

How to Staff


Purpose To top of page

The purpose of this activity is to establish an environment, by creating and maintaining data repositories, where the overall product can be developed, built, and be available for maintenance and re-use. This is done by making sure the essential artifacts are available to developers and integrators in the various private and public workspaces as they need them, and then are adequately baselined and stored for subsequent re-use.

Setting up the CM environment involves creating the product directory structure, repositories, workspaces (developer and integration) and allocating machine resources (servers and disk space).

How to Staff To top of page

The Configuration Manager needs to set up an environment that is based on the component structures of the overall product, and will need to work closely with the Architect to ensure that adequate 'place holders' are established.

The Integrator in this workflow detail needs to be sure that artifacts delivered from the developer workspaces are sufficiently tested such that they can be incorporated into a testable build. The Integrator needs to be familiar with Project CM Policies, Build and Test Practices.

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